What a great weekend being able to participate in the weddings of our wonderful nephews and soon to be nieces. It was a great experience to witness Nathan and Noel's wedding in Twin Falls. They are a beautiful couple. Noel was a stunning bride. We are looking forward to seeing Kyle and Brianna this evening and witness their union tomorrow. How fun to watch this family continue to grow. Grampa Bob would be so proud and I am sure that he is watching and has been and will be there for these weddings.
We are staying with Kay and Karla for a couple days and it is such a pleasure to see them. A huge added bonus is that Rob is here attending Education Week Kim and I have been chatting with him most of the morning. What a great young man! It has been fun to sit and talk with him and catch up on what he and Rachel are doing and how little Christian is. Rob showed us a picture of Christian eating a fudge bar - what a darling cute little chocolate mess. Just listening to Rob talk about his beautiful bride and his darling little boy, I can tell that he adores his little family. I overheard Rob talking to Christian on the phone this morning and couldn't help but smile. What a good dad. What a wonderful surprise to be able to see Rob this weekend in addition to the rest of the family. I am so lucky to have married into this family. I was not only blessed with a beautiful wonderful wife, three amazing kids, a great son-in-law, two beautiful daughters-in-law but also a plethora of new brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, etc. I can't imagine what my life would be without each individual in this family.