It seems like time gets away from me so quickly these days. I think I have all the time in the world and then I notice it was weeks ago I posted anything new on our blog. In the time since my last post, we have welcomed a new grandson into our family, Jett Alan Botkin born on January 13th. Friday the 13th to be exact - a very lucky day for our family.
News of grandchild number nine, to make his/her appearance in July was a wonderful Christmas gift from Tucker and Michelle. I have lost 26 pounds of unsightliness and continue to strive to regain the boyish figure I once possessed a hundred years ago. All these things occurred and not one word was captured or noted for posterity until now.
That statement alone makes me feel parts of my life are like water slipping through my fingers to be soaked up in the sand and forgotten. I can't help wonder if I will ever leave a significant mark or influence that will be remembered. These thoughts are arising, I think, out of my personal battle with mortality. I turned 49 in December. I realize that isn't old, however, as I approach my front number changing to 5 in 2012, I can't help but reflect back on my life and see the gaping holes I have failed to fill with significance. I must be indulging in a bit of self pity. I thought, years ago when I was younger, I would be so much further in so many aspects of my life. I am not. I have to remember I have wonderful blessings - a few of which are an amazing beautiful wife that loves me, awesome children that continually astound me with their accomplishments and talents and grandchildren that bring heaven so close to earth I can almost reach out a touch it. I have to remember I have all this and more. Every day I have the opportunity to make the choice of how I will embrace the day....I hope I can consistently make the best choice.
Gpa and Gma Wood-Together we can do anything!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Monday, December 26, 2011
Our first Christmas nativity
We had our first ever Christmas Nativity re-enactment on Christmas Eve. All the kids came over for dinner, a few gifts and the first, of hopefully many, acting of the Nativity. I must say, there were some darn cute shepherds, a very handsome king from the orient, two very angelic angles and very believable Mary and Joseph. It was great fun for all of us!! I hope there are many many more Christmas memories created in years to come.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Halloween 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The annual Run for Autism Awareness was on Saturday. Team Bishop had a stellar showing. Prior to the race, while Team Bishop participants were still arriving, there was a sense of family, excitement, fun and hope in the air. I didn't run in the race this year. Instead I was behind my camera where I seem to find myself most of the time at these functions. Although I gave up the glory and recognition of a participant this year, I was able to view the event through a lens and capture some moments that may have otherwise been missed. I watched Tucker playing with Anson, flipping him upside down and the pure joy that radiated from Anson's face. Faces of victory were captured as they crossed the finish line. Excitement, concentration and focus were found. Everyone was having a great time, grand kids and cousins, moms and dads, grandpas and grandmas all coming together for a great cause. For me the feeling was positive and electric. I wished I could bottle the feeling and set in on the shelf with the canned peaches. There to wait for that future moment of a less than great day when I would pull it off the shelf, open the jar, inhale, ingest and experience it once again. It was a wonderful, victorious, magical moment of time. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Like Father, Like Son

Friday, August 19, 2011
Wedding Weekend
What a great weekend being able to participate in the weddings of our wonderful nephews and soon to be nieces. It was a great experience to witness Nathan and Noel's wedding in Twin Falls. They are a beautiful couple. Noel was a stunning bride. We are looking forward to seeing Kyle and Brianna this evening and witness their union tomorrow. How fun to watch this family continue to grow. Grampa Bob would be so proud and I am sure that he is watching and has been and will be there for these weddings.
We are staying with Kay and Karla for a couple days and it is such a pleasure to see them. A huge added bonus is that Rob is here attending Education Week Kim and I have been chatting with him most of the morning. What a great young man! It has been fun to sit and talk with him and catch up on what he and Rachel are doing and how little Christian is. Rob showed us a picture of Christian eating a fudge bar - what a darling cute little chocolate mess. Just listening to Rob talk about his beautiful bride and his darling little boy, I can tell that he adores his little family. I overheard Rob talking to Christian on the phone this morning and couldn't help but smile. What a good dad. What a wonderful surprise to be able to see Rob this weekend in addition to the rest of the family. I am so lucky to have married into this family. I was not only blessed with a beautiful wonderful wife, three amazing kids, a great son-in-law, two beautiful daughters-in-law but also a plethora of new brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, etc. I can't imagine what my life would be without each individual in this family.
We are staying with Kay and Karla for a couple days and it is such a pleasure to see them. A huge added bonus is that Rob is here attending Education Week Kim and I have been chatting with him most of the morning. What a great young man! It has been fun to sit and talk with him and catch up on what he and Rachel are doing and how little Christian is. Rob showed us a picture of Christian eating a fudge bar - what a darling cute little chocolate mess. Just listening to Rob talk about his beautiful bride and his darling little boy, I can tell that he adores his little family. I overheard Rob talking to Christian on the phone this morning and couldn't help but smile. What a good dad. What a wonderful surprise to be able to see Rob this weekend in addition to the rest of the family. I am so lucky to have married into this family. I was not only blessed with a beautiful wonderful wife, three amazing kids, a great son-in-law, two beautiful daughters-in-law but also a plethora of new brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, etc. I can't imagine what my life would be without each individual in this family.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
And the Winner is. . . .
Kim and I traveled the short distance to Emmett today to watch Tucker in his first triathlon. We had Beck and Arli stay with us last night to allow Tucker and Michelle to leave bright and early this morning. Beck and Arli were absolutely amazing for us last night, but that is a tale for another time. We left Boise at 0900, swung by Tuck and Michelle's house to rescue pink sandals from the mailbox deposited there by Michelle and headed out to Emmett. We thought we would arrive in plenty of time to see Tucker in the biking portion of the race. The swimming portion of the race began at 0930 and Tuck thought he would be out of the water by 1000. His swimming was fantastic, he was only in the water for 13 minutes if I remember correctly....we completely missed him on his bike, in the transition from bike to running. We were able to share in his accomplishment as he crossed the finish line at the end of the race. He really "left it all on the road" will need to ask Tucker what that meant. He did AWESOME! Not only did he complete the race faster than his goal, he won first place for his age division. The boy is a champion!! He didn't look too worse for wear at the end of the race. Had to sit down for a moment but was pretty well pumped up when he found out he was 63rd over all and first place in his age division. What an amazing example he is for me and for all of us. He set a goal and not only achieved it but exceeded his own expectations. What a great kid. I included a few pictures allowing anyone who reads this the opportunity to see what a winning triathlete looks like.
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