Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is this Art?

When you look at the Photo of the Week, what do you see?  Not many, if anyone, will know what image my camera captured in that brief moment of time.  I have found as I take more photographs, and not just of my grandchildren, there is beauty all around.  The cliche' of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" has taken on new meaning for me.  You truly can find beauty in anything, if you look deep enough. 

Sometimes the threads of a day ensnare me so tightly within the mundane stresses of life that I cannot see or feel anything but their pressure cutting into the flesh of my little fingers.   If I can find something...anything that is beautiful, those bindings begin to loosen and will soon fall away.  Where do I find this tiny speck of beauty after enduring 8 to 10 hours of corporate politics??  It is the single red berry on a withered branch, a tiny dot of happy brilliance in the drab dormancy of winter.  The dark earthy brown of fallen leaves on their way to mulch.  The pattern etched by green paint scrapes on the charcol gray background of a slightly dented fender.  The shadow lace created by late afternoon sun tatted by barren branches.  The first breath of a breeze after rainfall when I walk out the door.  Beauty is everywhere if I remember to look for it instead of concentrating on the fibers of negativity creasing my skin.  Do I focus on the positive in life or concentrate on the negative aspects???  The choice is ultimately mine.

With my camera lens, I am beginning to recognize and find the more positive aspects that exist around me.  They are everywhere if we just choose to look.  Beauty. Art...truly is in the eye of the beholder.  What do you see when you look at the Photo of the Week?  I won't cloud your objectivity by revealing the source of this particular piece of beautiful art.  The choice is limited only by your imagination and your state of mind.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I know my Savior loves me.

In primary we are learning a new song entitled "I Know that My Savior Loves Me".  My lovely bride shared a tender story today with the senior primary children that also touched my heart.  She mentioned how, over this past week, she has awoken in the middle of the night with the lyrics and melody of this beautiful song running through her mind.  The song has been a comfort to her as we expericence the trial we are now facing with Bob's illness.  It was a stark reminder to me of how forgetful we sometimes are of the Savior's love for us.  Kim's favorite part of the song is the chorus - "I know He lives!  I will follow faithfully.  My heart I give to Him.  I know that my Savior loves me".  What a wonderful testimony that is and what comfort we can glean from these simple words.  I realized, as I hid behind the piano and shed my own tears, the Savior shows his love for me every day of my life.  How does the Savior love me??  Grandchildren that jump on my bed and cuddle next to me as we watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in the dark.  Little ones saying, Grandpa, I want to sit by your lap.  Watching a little girl that loves to dance perform for the first time in front of a live audience (see pictures below).  The gentle touch of my wife's hand on my knee as we drive together to work.  Wonderful compassionate doctors in our time of greatest need.  Sticky little faces giving me a mooch that taste like a tootsie pop.  Eskimo kisses and big hugs.  Big brown eyes that light up when I walk into a room.  Music that makes my spirit soar.  The touch of the Spirit in a time of need.  The comfort of heavenly arms to sooth our sorrows and fears.  The list is infinite.  I know my Savior loves me.  He shows me every day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bossy Bob's 75th Birthday

What better way for the new decade to commence than having a Mexican Fiesta for Bobby Munson (Former king of Cedar High) to celebrate 75 years of fiestiness.  All dressed up in his Happy Birthday hat with candles and fabric flames, this former Cedar High king could not stop smiling.

We had 3, yes, 3 birthday cakes.  Bob does like his cake (chocolate preferred).  Rather than placing 75 candles in one cake - mostly in fear that the Kuna fire department would have to be called upon to put the roaring inferno out - a few candles were placed on each cake.  Could Grandpa Munson blow all candles out with a single breath???  It was not to be.  No matter, he is still our hero.

I had to add this photo because I love it.  The fairest of all the Munson princesses, in my humble opinion.  You can't help but  love a daddy/daughter picutre like this!!