Tuesday, November 4, 2008

sleepover at grandpa and grandma's

How many times can you undress a child to go to the bathroom? Answer...at least 3. Tonight, after I changed the diaper and dressed Bo in his zip up footie PJs, 3 times he runs up to me and says, "Pa Pa, poo poo" and tugs at his bottom. Being the conscientious grandparent that I am, I run Bo into the bathroom, strip off the zip-up-to-the-neck footie pajamas, lose the diaper and plop him on the child toilet seat and wait. What am I waiting for...cute little smiles and giggles apparently. Nothing else made an appearance. I am sure that sometime during the night, the Pa Pa, poo poo will be more than an empty threat. Despite all the false alarms, Bo and Beck brawls and crocodile tears at bed time, I do love these grandchildren sleep overs. The joyful outweighs not joyful by buckets and buckets and buckets.


Blake said...

Mike, that was a hilarious post about the pa pa poo poo. We are just potty training Caleb so we are going through some of the same things. He is doing quite well though. I am so glad that I can check in with you guys periodically and see how you are doing. Good luck to you and Kim with all the surgeries, you are in our prayers.

aubri said...

Hey guys!
Thanks for the comment! I love your blog, can i put it on my sight?

Rae Jean said...

That is so funny Mike! Thanks for sharing such a fun moment!